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Gift Card

Gift Card-GIFT10

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Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a uoozee gift card.

Gift cards are delivered by email and contain instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees.

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const TAG = 'spz-custom-painter-button-animation'; const MAX_ITERATION_COUNT = 99999999; const SITE = (window.C_SETTINGS && window.C_SETTINGS.routes && window.C_SETTINGS.routes.root) || ''; const ADD_TO_CART_ANIMATION_SETTING = `${SITE}/api/marketing_atmosphere_app/add_to_cart_btn_animation/setting`; class SpzCustomPainterButtonAnimation extends SPZ.BaseElement { /**@override */ static deferredMount() { return false; } /** @param {!SpzElement} element */ constructor(element) { super(element); /** @private {!../../src/service/xhr-impl.Xhr} */ this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; /** @private {Object} */ this.data_ = null; /** @private {Element} */ this.addToCartButton_ = null; /** @private {boolean} */ this.productAvailable_ = true; /** @private {number} */ this.timerId_ = null; /** @private {number} */ this.animationExecutionCount_ = 0; /** @private {boolean} */ this.selectedVariantAvailable_ = true; /** @private {number} */ this.delay_ = 5000; /** @private {number} */ this.iterationCount_ = 5; /** @private {string} */ this.animationClass_ = ''; } /** @override */ isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } /** @override */ buildCallback() { this.productAvailable_ = this.element.hasAttribute('product-available'); this.selectedVariantAvailable_ = this.element.hasAttribute('selected-variant-available'); } /** @override */ mountCallback() { this.render_(); } /** @private */ render_() { if (!this.productAvailable_) { return; } this.fetch_().then((data) => { if (!data) { return; } this.data_ = data; this.animationClass_ = `painter-${data.animation_name}-animation`; this.iterationCount_ = data.animation_iteration_count === 'infinite' ? MAX_ITERATION_COUNT : data.animation_iteration_count; const animationDuration = 1; const animationDelay = data.animation_delay || 5; this.delay_ = (animationDuration + animationDelay) * 1000; this.handleButtonEffect_(); }); } /** * @param {JsonObject} data * @return {(null|Object)} * @private */ parseJson_(data) { try { return JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { return null; } } /** * @return {Promise} * @private */ fetch_() { return this.xhr_.fetchJson(ADD_TO_CART_ANIMATION_SETTING).then((data) => { if (!data || !data.enabled) { return null; } return this.parseJson_(data.detail); }); } /** @private */ getAddToCartButton_() { this.addToCartButton_ = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector( document.body, '[data-section-type="product"] [role="addToCart"], [data-section-type="product_detail"] [role="addToCart"], [data-section-type="product_detail"] [data-click="addToCart"], [data-section-type="product"] [data-click="addToCart"]' ); } /** @private */ restartAnimation_() { this.addToCartButton_.classList.remove(this.animationClass_); this.addToCartButton_./* OK */ offsetWidth; this.addToCartButton_.classList.add(this.animationClass_); this.animationExecutionCount_++; } /** @private */ clearTimer_() {; this.timerId_ = null; } /** @private */ setupTimer_() { this.timerId_ = => { this.restartAnimation_(); if (this.animationExecutionCount_ >= this.iterationCount_) { this.removeAnimationClass_(); this.clearTimer_(); } }, this.delay_); } /** @private */ restartTimer_() { if (this.animationExecutionCount_ >= this.iterationCount_) { this.removeAnimationClass_(); return; } this.setupTimer_(); } /** @private */ listenVariantChange_() { SPZUtils.Event.listen(self.document, 'dj.variantChange', (e) => { const selectedVariant = e.detail && e.detail.selected; if (!selectedVariant) { return; } const {available} = selectedVariant; if (this.selectedVariantAvailable_ !== available) { this.selectedVariantAvailable_ = available; this.clearTimer_(); if (available) { this.restartTimer_(); } } }); } /** @private */ removeAnimationClass_() { => { this.addToCartButton_.classList.remove(this.animationClass_); }, 1000); } /** @private */ handleButtonEffect_() { this.getAddToCartButton_(); if (!this.addToCartButton_) { return; } if (this.selectedVariantAvailable_) { ++this.animationExecutionCount_; this.addToCartButton_.classList.add(this.animationClass_); if (this.iterationCount_ === 1) { this.removeAnimationClass_(); return; } this.setupTimer_(); } this.listenVariantChange_(); } } SPZ.defineElement(TAG, SpzCustomPainterButtonAnimation);